Paulina Wiśniewska
A graduate of mathematics at the KEN Pedagogical University in Krakow. The main topic of her Bachelor’s thesis was researching the possibility of using music in teaching axial and central symmetry at primary school level. This work won the second prize in the Anna Zofia Krygowska national competition for the best student work on the didactics of mathematics. The Master’s thesis deepened the topic of the Bachelor’s thesis. The research concerned the possibility of using music in teaching translation and axial and central symmetry at the level of the second grade of high school. The choice of the present research topics was inspired by attending the State Music School in Krakow (Grade II). In 2019, the PhD student defended her diploma receiving the professional title of musician (instrument – piano). The PhD student’s current research interests have shifted to the area of algebraic geometry and alternating algebra. In her PhD thesis she deals with complex reflection groups and asymptotic invariants (Waldschmidt constants, resurgences, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and others).
She submitted a doctoral thesis entitled “Asymptotic invariants of configurations of points determinedby complex reflection groups”
On 12.06.2024r. the public defence of the doctoral thesis took place.