
A research, teaching or artistic internship is a mandatory component of the Doctoral School’s Study Program.

Internship requirements

As part of the Individual Research Plan, the doctoral student is required to plan and complete at least one research, teaching or artistic internship in a foreign or Polish research center, Higher Education instituition or cultural institution. The internship or internships must total min. 20 working days.

Funding opportunities

The internship can be financed through:

  • an external research grant
  • the ERASMUS PLUS program
  • a bilateral agreement with another university
  • the NAWA STER program (internship grants for doctoral students)
  • a grant from the budget of the Doctoral School

For the internship to be formally recognized, the doctoral student submits the following documents to the Doctoral School Office:

  • confirmation of the internship from the receiving institution (on the letterhead, with seal and signature)
  • opinion of the internship supervisor
  • the doctoral student’s report on the implementation of the internship

More details coming soon. In the meantime, please contact the Doctoral School Office for more information.

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