Recruitment Guide

The recruitment process has several stages and requires the candidate to provide a number of documents both electronically and as signed hard copies.

At a glance

In accordance with the detailed eligibility criteria of the individual research disciplines, recruitment takes place in the form of a competition, with points awarded for each stage:

  • Stage 1: evaluation of a written research project (0-15 pts),
  • Stage 2: interview, in person or online (0-20 points)
  • Stage 3: assessment of previous academic achievements (0-7 pts).

In order to qualify for the second stage, the candidate needs to score at least 8 points in the first stage. If this criterion is met, the candidate is invited to an interview.  To qualify for admission, the candidate needs to  obtain a total of at least 22 points (maximum 42 p.).

Qualifying for admission is not the same as being admitted to the Doctoral School. Before the final admission  takes place, the original forms of all required documents must be provided, a number of declarations must be signed and you must formally enrol.

The place limits are:

– three places in each discipline.

See: Limits of admission to the Doctoral School of University of the National Education Commission of Krakow

See: Recruitment Committees

Electronic registration

The recruitment process begins with registration in the electronic recruitment system and takes place on this website. The website is available in Polish and English – the language selection option is located in the top right corner of the page.

Recruitment takes place in several stages:

1) First, you need to register in the system (create an individual candidate account).

To create an account, find the link “Create account” in the top right-hand corner of the page. Enter the e-mail address you are presently using. Once your account has been created, you will receive an e-mail with an activation link. To use your candidate account, you must click on this link

Once you have activated your account and logged into the system, complete the forms related to your personal details and education found under “Personal forms“.


Upload a photo that complies with the requirements for a Polish identity card. This photo will later be used on your doctoral ID card, so it must be a photo suitable for use in an official document (a photo as in a social profile cannot be accepted). Each photo needs to be approved by an administrator.


In this tab, you must upload a scan of your university diploma proving that you have a Master’s, Master of Engineering or equivalent degree. In the case of admission to the Doctoral School, an original copy of the diploma must be submitted to the Doctoral School Office.

Foreign diploma

A person in possession of a foreign diploma shall additionally submit a certified translation of the diploma, together with a supplement, into Polish or English, unless the diploma or its official transcript, together with the supplement, was awarded in English.

They may be asked to submit several additional documents, e.g. a document certifying the authenticity of the diploma (e.g. an apostille).

The diploma must confirm the possession of an education at the level of the second-cycle studies or uniform master’s studies or be recognised as equivalent to a Polish diploma of the second-cycle studies or uniform master’s studies and the professional title of magister, magister inżynier or equivalent.

If a foreign diploma gives entitlement to take up doctoral studies or to open a doctoral thesis in the country in which it was awarded, by operation of law it also gives entitlement to continue education at a doctoral school or to open a doctoral thesis in Poland.

If the recognition in the Republic of Poland of a higher education diploma and the award of the required professional title does not take place by operation of law, it is necessary to nostrificate the diploma, i.e. to establish its equivalence to the relevant Polish higher education diploma and professional title.

Foreign candidate

Persons who do not have Polish citizenship must complete the “Foreign Candidate” form in the system, which includes a question about their current residence status in Poland. Answers should be given according to the actual status as at the date of filling in the form. Positive answers require a scan of a document confirming the fulfilment of the given condition to be uploaded into the system. The form can be edited later if the actual situation changes. If none of the options corresponds to your situation, tick ‘I do not meet any of the conditions listed’.

The answer to the question on the “Foreign Candidate” form is not relevant to the assessment of your application. It is used to prepare the university to deal with the issue of your residence in Poland accordingly. You can make a recruitment application regardless of whether you meet any of the listed conditions or not.

 2) Then make an enrolment application

Open the Doctoral School offer under the ‘Offer‘ link. Select the discipline you wish to apply for and click the green “Enrol” button.

At this point you will also need to confirm your knowledge of English at B2 level by ticking the answer next to the sentence: I declare that I have knowledge of English at language proficiency level B2
(to the extent that I am able to complete my training at the Doctoral School).

It is possible to apply for more than one discipline, with different research projects. A separate enrolment fee is required for each chosen discipline.

You should prepare the documents to be attached in the IRK system in advance.

Once you have completed all the information and saved the final form, your application will be saved in the system. You will now find it in your candidate account under “Recruitment applications“.

Documents accepted in the system cannot be changed. Replacement of attachments once uploaded to the system only with the permission of the admissions committee secretary (confirmed in the admissions system).

Attachments / scans

The following documents should be attached once the discipline has been selected:


The curriculum vitae should be prepared by yourself, and a file (preferably in PDF format) should be uploaded to the server on the relevant page of the recruitment system. It should include, in particular, educational history, employment history, language skills, other qualifications and experience, research interests.

Description of the research or artistic research project

The research project should include the following:

  • title
  • keywords
  • objective(s)
  • research (or artistic/research) problem
  • research methods
  • overview of the current state of research on the problem
  • potential contribution of the project to the state of research
  • other expected outcomes of the project
  • bibliography

The project description should be uploaded to the server (preferably in PDF format) on the relevant page of the recruitment system.

Documented evidence of scholarly or artistic activity

A list (preferably in PDF format) of scholarly or artistic research activity should be uploaded, in particular:

  • publications
  • work in scientific clubs and other scientific bodies
  • participation in scientific conferences with a paper or poster
  • national and international internships
  • grants, prizes and distinctions
  • for the discipline of fine arts and art conservation: individual and collective exhibitions, public presentations of artistic achievements, participation in grants.

The list of scholarly or artistic activities and its attachments (e.g. certificates, attestations, etc.) should be uploaded to the server as a single merged file.

PLEASE NOTE: for the fine arts and art conservation, the maximum size of the file containing documentation of artistic achievements must not exceed 100MB. In the attached documentation of artistic achievements, a link may be provided to files of larger size, e.g. films or multimedia presentations.

Before the end of the enrolment deadline, an application fee of 300 PLN must be paid for each discipline in which the candidate participates.

The fee must be credited to the account of the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow by the end of the enrolment deadline for the Doctoral School (by 30.08.2024).

Persons with disabilities who find it difficult to participate in the interview are asked to contact the Doctoral School Office or the Office for Persons with Disabilities.

3) The next step is to participate in an interview

Detailed criteria for the assessment of the interview process can be found in Appendix No. 2 to Senate Resolution No. of 16 December 2024 on the principles and criteria for recruitment to the Doctoral School at the

University of the National Education Commission, Krakow for the academic year 2025/2026.

The recruitment schedule includes two days for the interview. You will receive detailed information related to the date of the interview (method of interview or place, date, time) at the latest two days before the indicated date via your IRK account under: “News”.

Failure to attend an interview is tantamount to withdrawal from the recruitment procedure.

4) Recruitment results

Recruitment results will be announced on the system on the date indicated in the timetable.

You will need to log in to your applicant account and check your score under “Recruitment Applications”.

The following results are possible when assessing your application:

  • qualified: this status means that the Doctoral School invites you to the entry;
  • reserve list;
  • not accepted.

In addition to the information on whether you are accepted or not, you will find information on your admission results in the same place.

5) Entry to the Doctoral School

If the information in the “Recruitment Applications” tab reads “qualified” – congratulations!

The “Documents and Next Steps” link in the recruitment application table contains the downloadable documents needed for entry.

Once you have qualified for admission to the Doctoral School, you must enrol in person at the Doctoral School. In justified cases, by arrangement with the Doctoral School Office, the required documents will be sent to the Doctoral School’s mailing address.

  • the original of your Master’s degree
  • signed printouts of the personal questionnaire, the English language declaration and the application form for admission to the Doctoral School
  • a paper copy of the documents submitted during the recruitment process (CV, list of achievements, research project)
  • photograph for the doctoral card
  • a certificate from a public health institution if you are a person with disabilities
  • original copies of any other documents requested of you (e.g. apostille)
  • statements (e.g. regarding employment or the use of personal data by the University administration).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  However, we strongly suggest that you take some time to look through the website first, as many of your questions are likely to be answered by the materials we have prepared.

Good luck!

Contact with the office of the Doctoral School

Correspondence address:
Doctoral School
University of National Education Commission, Krakow
Podchorążych 2, pok. 31C
30-084 Kraków

+ 48 12 662 64 41


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