AI in Research Workshop

Summer School at the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow; July 2024

prof. Piotr Siuda
prof. Piotr Siuda

Date and Time: Thursday, July 4, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Generative AI has rapidly emerged as a pivotal tool for researchers across various fields and disciplines. This versatile technology enhances capabilities in text processing (such as drafting publications or grant proposals), data analysis, visualization, slide development, and team management, among others.

This workshop aims to equip participants with these powerful tools, enhancing efficiency and time management in their research endeavors. Additionally, the coach will address the ethical considerations in AI usage, emphasizing the importance of responsible use to prevent the creation of substandard work and to avoid potential harm.


14:00-15:30 | Part 1: AI Tools and Writing Publications

Explore the landscape of AI in research writing, from foundational knowledge to practical applications:

  • Beyond ChatGPT: Understanding the diversity of AI tools.
  • Finding AI Tools: Strategies for discovering AI solutions independently.
  • Collaborating with AI: Mastering the basics of effective AI partnership to enhance productivity without frustration.
  • AI-Assisted Writing: From brainstorming to completing text with AI.
  • Ethical Considerations: Balancing the benefits of AI with the risks of over- reliance and ethical pitfalls.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Leveraging AI to ensure originality.
  • Identifying AI-Written Content: Techniques for discerning AI-generated texts.
  • Language Tools: Utilizing AI for translations, text refinement, and optimal phrasing.

15:45-17:15 | Part 2: AI Tools for Organizing, Summarizing, and Searching Resources

Delve into AI applications designed to streamline research resource management and content synthesis:

  • AI-Powered Search Engines: Revolutionizing academic research with AI.
  • Bibliography Management: Organizing references with AI-driven tools.
  • AI Research Assistants: Enhancing efficiency in sourcing, summarizing, and conceptualizing research materials.
  • Journal Selection: AI tools to identify suitable publication venues.
  • Transcription Services: Converting speech to text efficiently using AI.
  • Video Summarization: Extracting key points from video content with AI.

17:30-19:00 | Part 3: AI Tools for Visualization, Presentation, and Data Analysis Learn about AI solutions that facilitate various aspects of data analysis and help to create compelling visual content:

  • Text-to-Graphics Transformation: Tools that convert textual descriptions into visual art.
  • Slides Tools: Utilizing AI for crafting engaging presentations.
  • Infographics and Posters: AI applications for designing informative infographics and posters.
  • AI for Data Work: Applying ChatGPT and other tools in data analysis, cleansing, and interpretation.

The coach:

Piotr Siuda (PhD and habilitation) is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. He is interested in the social aspects of the internet, game studies, esports, and the use of AI in research. Author of several books and articles in many journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus (e.g., Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Critical Studies in Media Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Games and Culture, Leisure Studies). Principal Investigator for numerous research projects; currently leading the National Science Center OPUS 22 project titled Rhizomatic networks, circulation of meanings and contents, and offline contexts of online drug trade. Member of The Association of Internet Researchers and the Polish Society for Social Communication. He serves as an Associate Editor at the SAGE Journal of Creative Communication. His complete portfolio can be found on his website:

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