Information Visualization

Summer School at the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow; July 2024

prof. Veslava Osińska
prof. Veslava Osińska
prof. Małgorzata Kowalska –Chrzanowska
prof. Małgorzata Kowalska–Chrzanowska

Date and Time: Friday, July 5, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 7:15 PM

The course will highlight the process of producing effective data visualizations for scientific presentations that take the clarity, precision, and efficiency into account and illustrate practical visualization procedures. The course is divided into two sections: theoretical and practical. The objective is to give a practical knowledge of how to effectively visualize different types information and hands-on experience in the application of this knowledge to specific domains.

The lecture will cover the following topics

  • History and categories of information visualization,
  • Perceptual basis of information visualization,
  • Major visualization mistakes,
  • Discussions of information visualization fundamental problems in the field.

Information Visualization in Science and for Science

  • History and categories of information visualization,
  • Perceptual basis of information visualization,
  • Major visualization mistakes,
  • Discussions of information visualization fundamental problems in the field.

Workshop: Professional Visuals in Researcher’s Practice

  • Managing your research tasks on timeline,
  • Research query topics graph,
  • Selected texts visualization,
  • Visual abstract design,
  • Visualization of bibliographic data.

Veslava Osińska – is associate professor at the Institute of Information and Communication Research at the Nicolaus Copernicus University and a principal investigator of the Polish team in the international Chist-era project – Bitscope ( Her interests are multi-scale data visualization methods, in particular science visualization. She is a lector of subjects related to data processing, analyses and visualization. Veslava Osińska is a member of several societies, both national and international: Polish Information Technology Society, International Society of Knowledge Organization and the Association of Polish Scientists in Lithuania.

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Małgorzata Kowalska-Chrzanowska – is associate professor at the Institute of Information and Communication Research at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Her scientific interest focuses

on a broad range of information topics, such as information retrieval, quality of digital resources, transfer of knowledge through databases and social media, disinformation and fact- checking, digital skills, bibliometrics and scientometrics. Małgorzata Kowalska-Chrzanowska is a member of several commitees and societies, both national and international: Interdisciplinary Team of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the Dissemination and Popularization of Science, Torun Society of Arts and Sciences, Polish Communication Association and International Society of Knowledge Organization.

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