Literary Studies
- applied writing from the 16th to the 20th century (diaries, journals, letters, wills, official documents),
- women’s literature 17th-20th century,
- physiognomy of characters in narrative works,
- the creation of macro- and micro-spaces in works of the 17th-20th century. (e.g. state, city, village, court),
- “evolution” of genres over the centuries: e.g. poem, memoir,
- the function of the letter in narrative structure (e.g. in the historical novel),
- Old Polish calendars: genological description of structure, thematic content,
- everyday life and festivity in selected works of the 17th-20th century,
- baptisms, weddings, divorces and funerals in the writing of the XVII-XX w,
- selected literary motifs (synchronic and diachronic approach),
- Old Polish literature on the Internet (site composition, criteria of material selection, virtual audience, commercialisation, etc.),
- Rhetoric as a tool of persuasion in speeches, speeches (secular and religious) of the 17th-20th century,
- stylistic shape of selected works of the 17th-20th century,
- Borderland themes in the literature of the XVI-XX century,
- ways of communication in old Poland (documents of the royal chancellery, private correspondence),
- ration (e.g. wedding, funeral) as communication (family, customs, artistic),
- literature and social behaviour in the 17th-20th century.